Role of trainers has many dimensions. In order to do their job effectively trainers require continually update their knowledge, skill & attitude (KSA) and being conversant with contemporary

developments inthe training field. Keeping such requirement in mind, BSTD has planned to organize a four-day advanced training of trainers (ATOT) course, which is designed to focus on

recent advances and developments in the field of training and their application in Bangladesh.


The 14th  batch of ATOT course is being organized by BSTD during 23-26 February  2014. The main purpose of this course is to create a forum where the senior trainers through cross fertilization of their experiences, concepts and ideas, will improve the present-day training skill and environment in their respective organizations.  The specific Objectives of the Course are to:


a)Enable the participants to identify problems impeding effective training and training management and identify possible solutions.

b)  Create a situation to share views on issues, which will help them develop as more effective trainers/ training managers.