The general objective of the society is to promote human resource development among its numbers as well as other concerned professionals through conducting training and  other Professional activities. The specific objectives of BSTD as articulated in its constitution are:

•    To develop the professional skill of its members in training, and take necessary steps for the development of training institution.
•    To provide training, conduct research, undertake publications, coordinate among training institutes for bringing them closer and exchange experiences through training materials and information.
•    To help develop professional pride of training profession and trainers and protect the latter's professional interest.
•    To facilitate exchange of views, promote fraternity and professionalism among trainers, researchers and development managers within Bangladesh and a brood.
•    To create awareness about the role of training in solving local, national and regional problems.
•    To plan and organize seminars, workshops and confer4ences primarily for developing the skill of trainers.
•    To provide advisory and consultancy services in the field of training and management in order to develop, implement, monitor, evaluate the policies, strategies and activities of the government and NGOs.
•    To give award and /or accord recognition for contribution in the field of training and offer fellowships for encouraging training-related activities.
•    To undertake welfare activities among its members.